PC Teccies - I need some advice

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PC Teccies - I need some advice

Post by Vortan » Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:22 pm

I am relatively inept when it comes to anything to do with PC's and the internet. I learned BASIC programming in the early 1980's but kind of lost the learning thread.

If I attached Microsoft Works document files to emails would they be editable at the other end, either by Works or Word?

If not then any help/advice/guidance would be most gratefully received.

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Post by korexus » Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:44 pm

It will be simple for the recipient to download the file and edit it in Works if he has it. However Works sucks a lot and is not overly compatible with MS Office, so don't bet on it being readable by Word.

If you are just sending text then you can copy/paste it into the email. If you want to be able to send more compliated documents (and spreadsheets, etc.) you can pay Bill Gates a whole lot of cash for a copy of MS Office or download Open Office for free.

To answer your original question. There is no problem with sending files as attachments, so long as the recipient has the correct software to open it.

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