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Vulking clanpage

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 9:57 am
by trewqh
Here it is:

Don't bother to tell us it's crappy - but at least it's there :)


Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 11:28 am
by ThinKing
The Vulkings?

Oh, are those guys still around? :twisted:

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 11:50 am
by trewqh
Well statistically, we occupy 9% of the player slots in active games (more if we subtract the slots with RIPs and QUITs), we GM 43% of active games and post 19% of an average daily amount of posts. The member of our clan does almost all the coding in new WOK projects by the way.

Yes, it seems we're quite an active clan. :P

trewqh 8)

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:13 pm
by Hannibal
Nice one, Trewqh!

I think TK was being ironic, but it gave a great opportunity for launch-publicity about the clan and page.........

T., you forgot to mention that Vulkings players occupy 100% of the top two slots in the current WOK4 Hiscore table......but that might be tempting fate.....and TK will doubtless point out that WOK5 success is but a dream on Vulkings' horizon.....but we're working on it! :)

~ Han

PS: Donut, pls update the Hiscore to show Val and myself as Vulkings, not Vain Otter.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 6:56 pm
by Validon
We are listed as "Vain Otter's"?

Can an otter be truley vain?

My fur glistens more then yours!!!!!! :?

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 2:10 am
by Hannibal
In all furness, yours does glisten more than mine..........but I have the finest whiskers in all Otterdom!! :) Vain, moi?

~ Han