The Circle Returns

Promises, threats & propaganda

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Post by Brykovian » Thu May 31, 2007 12:14 pm

And we used to have a lot of friendly ties with CoN ... I often teamed-up with those guys if there were no other Scholars in a game.

Hmmm ... seems times have changed. Oh well. We'll see what Cali can do with his new crew. Adding Smashy was a nice move. :)

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Post by Saladin » Thu May 31, 2007 12:19 pm

Neutral-good is the right word i believe. :)

At least we're not part of the unnamed one's minions. Like the First Family, Darkstone and Thuggee. Hmm only Thuggee is left of that group and Lardy is simply too nice to be a mindless we need a new 'evil' clan. :)

I nominate The Vulkings. :lol:
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Post by Vortan » Thu May 31, 2007 12:25 pm

I am sure that times will come when once again necessity forces foes to stand beside each other. But that will be as circumstance dictates. It does not mean we have to love each other as brothers, else why have seperate clans at all. When it comes to the endgame:

There can be only ONE.

Should my Leige Lord, Caladus, order me to stay my blade then I shall do so. I am, in the main, a warrior of honour. If left unchecked I am, as soon will be evident, truly one of the dogs of war. Do not cry for mercy for none shall be given. A beast on the hunt hears only the cries of its prey. It does not hear its words.
Last edited by Vortan on Thu May 31, 2007 12:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by trewqh » Thu May 31, 2007 12:28 pm

Saladin wrote:I nominate The Vulkings. :lol:
Just because you're in my way and I don't want to NAP with you doesn't make my clan evil. :)

I'd say the Scholars are the educated relativists! :)

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Post by Lardmaster » Thu May 31, 2007 12:30 pm

Do you still have to pass a test to get into the Scholars? I was all Captain Kirk with my application. I got one of the answers wrong but really it just differed from what TK was expecting, based on the rules I was actually right. He wanted me to chage my name 1st though but I refused :D

Odd really as I don't use this nickname on any other game.
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Post by Vortan » Thu May 31, 2007 12:37 pm

You see ...

More slanderous accusations from these 'supposedly good' scholars. Too little too late you fiends, your words are seen through and your plans undone.

Come Thuggee, come Vulkings, come Valn Ohter, raise your banners high and march forth with The Circle in union to crush these upstarts who claim themselves educated and good. Let not their falsehoods perpetuate any longer. They twist words and steal children. They must be undone.

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Post by korexus » Thu May 31, 2007 12:39 pm

Vortan wrote:Should my Leige Lord, Caladin...
Some sort of Calidus/Saladin hybrid :?: Now that really would be a player to be afraid of!

Sal: I don't think the Vulkings have the brains to be truely evil. Give them some missiles and a province to attack and they're as happy as children with new toys. (I'm going to get a clan war with someone, even i I have to insult every clan out there!)

I would suggest a new spectrum of allignment.

Evil (Actively planning the downfall of the world) - Thuggee.
Chaos (Just love jumping in and messing things up) - Vulkings.
Neutral (Classic sitting on the fence) - BoV.
Lawful (Generally on the side of right, but not in a holy war about it) - Scholars.
Good (Sticking up for principles, even when it's stupid) - CoN, Valn Ohtar.

With mercenaries being found right across the spectrum. It'd be really great if we could get some proper clan themes and rivalries going again. I just think it's a shame that they start between CoN and Scholars when there are far more deserving targets out there...

Of course, CoN's original back story would put them as neutral, but it would fit for them to believe themselves on the side of good... :twisted:

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Post by trewqh » Thu May 31, 2007 12:51 pm

Just listen to him, that's a relativist born and bred:
korexus wrote:Scholars. = Generally on the side of right, but not in a holy war about it
Good = Sticking up for principles, even when it's stupid
It would fit for them to believe themselves on the side of good...
A clan war would be great indeed. I'd finally get a distant chance of losing one. :twisted:

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Post by korexus » Thu May 31, 2007 1:26 pm

Yeah, probably true. Although, I was deliberately emphasising the differences as Law and Good can seem very similar. A more accurate description could be to say that Law is concerned with preserving the world on a large scale and thus willing to make sacrifices which would be unacceptable to Good's world view.

As I side note, I'd probably put myself more in the Good camp than the Law, but that's not where I'd put the Scholars as a clan. Anyway, my view of myself is probably coloured by watching too many trashy movies...

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Post by Brykovian » Thu May 31, 2007 2:21 pm

Vortan wrote:If left unchecked I am, as soon will be evident, truly one of the dogs of war.
That must be why I keep hearing that "Yap! Yap! Yap!" noise, eh? ;)

Me ... I like dogs. And cats too. Lately, I've become fond of young Dragons as well. 8)

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Post by Vortan » Thu May 31, 2007 6:45 pm

Yes Bryk ...

You must however understand that unlike dangerous dogs there is no legislation to protect people from dangerous Dragons, young or o... ow ... not quite so young :lol:

Your young Dragon might just turn round and bite the new hand that feeds it. I watch and I wait. You have been warned.

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Post by Calidus » Thu May 31, 2007 8:45 pm

Vortan wrote:Yes Bryk ...

You must however understand that unlike dangerous dogs there is no legislation to protect people from dangerous Dragons, young or o... ow ... not quite so young :lol:
Keep making comments like that and I bet Dragon will pistol-whip you before the day is over!
I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you.

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Post by Vortan » Fri Jun 01, 2007 10:49 pm

Bruised and battered Vortan nods agreement to Calidus and crawls off to bed at ... 11.50pm ... too old for this ... snore ..... :sleeping:

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Post by Calidus » Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:35 am

Welcome back to Nemesis! The Circle is once again four strong, and an "official" clan.
I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you.

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