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Into the Mists, the End of an Era

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 4:19 am
by Calidus
I have already contacted CoN and Al, and I will now make the following public announcement:

I am disbanding CoN. Within 24 hours, I will remove all of my pages and CoN will become nothing more than a memory. I no longer have the desire to play, or even be a part of this gaming community anymore, and will be ending my tenure here.

Thanks to all the good people that are left out there in WOK land. It's been fun.


Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 5:23 am
by Brykovian

Take care, Wanderer ... you can return whenever your feet grow weary.


Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 6:12 am
by SmashFace
:bigcry: seriously calidus, i will miss you! you have been really awesome on the battle field and off, and i will forever await your return

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 9:15 am
by trewqh

Lost desire?! Just like that?! Then why do you disband the clan?!

What happened?

I refuse to accept your leave :P


Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 11:18 am
by Lord Fredo
Oh, wow... now this sure came as a surprise. I'm sorry to see you leave but you do what you've got to do old chap. Good luck in what ever new adventures you might take part in.
Is there really noone in the Circle who's ready to take over after Calidus? If so feel free to contact me in order to join another great clan in stead.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:08 pm
by Validon
Hmmmmm. I am truly shocked. :cry: I came to Wok not long ago and Calidus tutored me about what to do in the games. It was only a brief session but I learned respect for him immediately.
I will miss you Calidus and I truly hope someone will keep the clan alive. Underdog?
If not, then what happens with me as a beginner? I still have not completed the 3 games necessary to quit my clan and go to another. Must I choose one quickly or am I allowed to be a mercenary right away until I join another clan?
Calidus you will be sorely missed. I, too, hope to see your return.

Your Friend,

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 4:09 pm
by SmashFace
you are welcome at TKG validon!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 6:45 pm
by Moridin
I never had the pleasure of being in a game with you Calidus but I am saddened by your passing. Good luck to you in all your endeavors :cheers:

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 7:56 pm
by gm_al
I am also truly shocked on the news.

However I know by experience that many of the lost sould sooner or later come back 'for a look'..... and wonder happen !

This is a loss for the community, and Im sad Calidus lost his interest - please dont let WOK be a bad experience in your memory !

You might be interested in the new games that will shape up, make sure to tune anytime.

All the best with your journey,

yours truly


Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 8:14 pm
by Underdog
I need to appologize to you. You were the one player I hadn't thought about while thinking about this decision. I would recommend you join another clan there are many out there. They can all teach you something and I'm sure they would all welcome an experienced beginner to their ranks. I won't try to recommend any of them to you, that decision is best left to an individual, and I'm sure you can find someone to teach you the things we didn't get a chance to in your short time in our clan.

As much as I would like to try to keep CoN alive I have do desire to be a clanhead. Calidus and I had discussed this a few times in the last month and I have had a bit more time than most of the others in the clan to figure out what I want to do. For the time being I will play as a mercenary in the games I play. My desire to GM has waned considerably in the last year and my desire to play has been waning for awhile now. I don't know if I will play in the champs since that is usually when I have even less time than normal. Maybe next spring something will change and I will have recharged myself a little. For now I plan to finish Egberts maze game and decide about the champs. after that I will probably just take my usual break and see what happens in the spring.

I will miss Calidus and the leadership he brought to my clan and wish him well in his other endeavors in life. I am sure I will continue to chat with him during our other games we have been playing together, and will encourage him to keep Kaomaris in mind, and return if his will to play returns.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 3:39 am
by Bjorn
Thanks for riding with us for awhile Larry. Time marches on and Lord knows there are many demands on our time. Kaomaris is like a game club where you drop in when you have time and drop out when you don't. Your contributions were always greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing you again if you are ever in the neighborhood. :wavey:

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 3:44 am
by Dameon
Larry I can fully understand needing a break and some time away. I hope that your interest is rekindled sometime- it's always been a pleasure to play with you, even back when you were a wet-behind-the-ears AS newbie. 8) You will be missed. I don't doubt that if you do come back you may be able to ressurect CoN the same was AS was resurrected after it's early demise- I hope that day comes!

And on a related note- Valn Ohtar is currently accepting all applications for new members. :P Bjorn is an excellent clanhead and I am sure any ex-CoN looking for a home would be happy with us if they so choose.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 4:38 am
by Hannibal
I never knew Calidus, but anyone who contributed enough to the game as to be a clan-head deserves the community's thanks - and probably desrves a break. Fare well.

Hey Validon, it seems to me that if your clan folds, no-one will hold you to the 3-games-before-clan-change rule. So you're a free agent, up for grabs.

As Dameon says, come and join Valn Ohtar! There's one big advantage: as Dameon, Bjorn, Strider and Raven all play almost exclusively WOK5, there'd only be me and you chasing 2 clan-slots in WOK4 games, so you wouldn't be third in the queue and miss out!

Plus Bjorn is great help.

Plus Valn Ohtar has the best strategies.

Plus all the other players just love VO and grant you great goodwill(!) :roll: :roll:

Plus Valn Ohtar has an illustrious pa...... er....future! :D

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 10:35 am
by Nestalawe
Hey Larry/Calidus,

Well, yeah, a surprise that you are out, but well, I understand, and know it will be a Very differnet community without you around.

I have been with CoN since the start (well, my start...), and it is sad to see it go. We all held a sense of nobility and honesty within the clan, and in our dealings with others, so I know the clan will be remembered as one of the Greats.

As for someone else taking over CoN, well, without Calidus it would really not be the same, and so it is fair enough that it goes.

...As for myself, I will most likely be taking an extended break as well. Time and Randomness has drained the energy I can put into the game and so I can't play to my best abilities... So I will be finishing my current games and wandering away for a while as well, maybe to come back some time in the future in a new clan...

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 8:19 pm
by ThinKing

I dont mind if you quit Wheel Of Time now. Save yourself some embarassment. :wink:


I hope you come back some time soon.


Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 9:33 pm
by Undertaker
Larry, your presence and contributions to the community will be missed. Good luck to you and hopefully we can meet on the battlefield again.

PS. The First Family would welcome any former CON members that would like a new home.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 9:56 pm
by gm_al
I can still feel Cal's presence in this room.... and he isnt even gone.... weird *shrugs*

Of course DOW is the best Clan for those Beginners without a home anymore. Dont hesitate, all it takes is an email to me. Do it NOW, and be part of the race towards absolute power in WOK.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 1:01 pm
by Egbert
:aeh: What sad news.

Goodbye, old friend. I hope you are not leaving on bad terms, and I hope to see you again. Good luck.

Pertaining to Larry/Calidus' Departure...

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 7:36 pm
by Ecrivian
To Larry,
My friend, my mentor, my WOK Father. You will be missed. I haven't felt closer to any other player in this game, that includes those that I knew personally and saw everyday at school. You have given me wonderful advice even when I wasn't a part of the Circle. When we were together in BoV, however brief it was, you were there on a pedestal a goal to strive for. And when you and the others accepted me into the Circle, I was honored to be given such a high privelege. The CoN brothers were a very respectable lot, valuing HONOR, RESPECT, HONESTY, and COMRADERY towards other brothers, and other clans. A deep sadness fills my heart to hear that you are going. You will be missed friend.

To the rest of the community,
I too am going to hang up my war robe. Stained with blood from many a battle. I know that my retiring is rather insignificant, however, I do believe that I have made some good connections here in WOK as well as made some good things happen. Even though I was a mediocre player at best and a deplorable GM, there are those who thought that I did do something, and to those of you, I appreciate your kind thoughts. There are many enemies that I am sad to be leaving, Nick is probably the most notable. No victories to my name, and many M-3's to add to shame. I can only apologize to the GM's and other players that I have let down. And with this, I am going to fade into the mist, to be seen no more. Good bye friends, allies, enemies. The best of luck to you all in each of your personal endeavors.

Ecrivian/GM Seth

p.s. I think I beat Larry for the "Wanderer" title....

MY CLANS I was once a Part of...

Dark Stone
Brotherhood of Vayuna
The First Family
The Gladiator Slayers
The Circle of Nine
and several times over a MERC

in my mind, Larry will always be the original "Wanderer" so long old friend, may we meet again.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 3:43 am
by Strider
Wow. I feel kind of out of the loop with things around here lately but I'm truly saddened to see two regulars hanging it up.

Don't sell yourself short. You may not have many VP's to your name, but you have plenty of recognition in this community. You will be missed.

Good luck, my friend. You were always a good player to play with and against and I don't think it's any accident that the most fun I have had in WOK were games you were involved in. I'd play with you anytime. Your impact on WOK needs no description. Those who have been here awhile all know it.

I won't try to pretend to be happy to see you go. I hope you change your mind (maybe you can even come back to your roots :P). Good luck in the meantime.

When I was a merc, I always loved dealing with you guys. We weren't always on the same side, but I knew there was mutual respect. You guys were my favortie clan to deal with. Any clan will be very lucky to get any one of you.

Come back and play ball!!!

Till then , hope all is well. :afro: