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Aussie Gaz offline

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 5:23 am
by Goat Herder
Hello everyone,

I got a message from Aussie Gaz (GM Gary?) that his internet access is down and cannot access either the WOK pages or his Email address. He is not sure when he will be back on line. Knowing the way Government works, it could be a while (few days to a week or more). Please be patient. I'll be in touch again if I hear any more.

Goat herder

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 10:46 pm
by Aussie Gaz
Hi people.

I am online partially.

Emails to & will be checked only once or twice a week.

Urgent stuff can be sent to me at work

Both my new games are nearly full and will run on a 7 day turn around generally on Wednesday nights my time.

Best I can do I'm afraid. :wink: