Forums could be in for a rough ride.

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Forums could be in for a rough ride.

Post by korexus » Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:22 pm

I received an email today from our webhosts, saying that, for various reasons we must upgrade the version of our forums.

However, the integration of the forums with phpNuke (the system which is used to manage the rest of the site) means that an upgrade is not going to be easy.

The site redesign, which I put the occasional hour into when I get one, would solve this problem, as I plan to take the entire system away from the phpNuke model and allow more flexibility in what we can do. However that is not really ready yet as much of the game page side of things only exists inside my head.

What I may have to do for now is throw up an external copy of the WoK forums (say on which will allow us to continue posting, but is not very satisfactory as links/bookmarks will be messed up, the theme of the site and more importantly, the login information will be broken. If anyone has suggestions/has had to do something similar themselves then please shout up.

btw. It will be possible to keep the current user and post information after an upgrade.

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Re: Forums could be in for a rough ride.

Post by korexus » Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:03 am

Well, it's taken 5 and a half hours, and I killed the site at least twice in the process, but we have new and secure forums running. Now all I need to do is figure out a) how to get the old forums to redirect here and b) how to get the styles to match up a bit better.

Now that you're here, take the time to look around. This move represents a significant upgrade in the forum code, so presumable there are fun new features, as well as less hackable code...

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Re: Forums could be in for a rough ride.

Post by trewqh » Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:40 pm

I have my 'view new posts' option so I'm good. :2thumbs:

Let's see if I can add an image:


Yes, I can. :angel:
the gleefully aggressive Vulking

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