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GM's numbering and titling new Duel games

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:57 pm
by Hannibal
I've changed my system, and other GM's are welcome to follow suit if they want.

In The Beginning, to maximise the sense of lots of Duels, to kick it off, I adopted a game # numbering system where it cumulated overall, ie the next game by ANY GM took the next number, regardless of whether it was a Full Duel or a Duel-Lite. We were up to the next being about to be #47. Great.

These numbers only really matter for casual identificatin purposes, not for the engine. They allow you to say "Han's Full Duel #41 is over, Yondallus beat Tinker" etc.

The downside is that no new GM (what with this TDC) knows what is the next overall number ....

So we can now go back, IMHO, to numbering by the number of games this makes it for the GM. Eg:
"GM Yon #03 Full Duel IFC semi, Original, Crazy Psycho v Sir Harold"

I've just set up a new one, and it is called:
"GM Han #32 Full Duel Crossland TDC Group B, Egbert v Trewqh"

Because, I counted up, and I've GM'ed 31 games before this, so I'm starting my numbering from #32. I'm not bothering to re-number my earlier games, just from now on. Easy. It means that any GM can use his OWN numbering, but games still have numbers, eg "Han #32", for ease of reference, not having to use the official "Group #324" or so that the engine uses for accuracy.

So, feel free to do likewise or similar. No need to check that this is the 47th Duel/Duel-Lite game, just go on numbering by GM, fine by me.

Note: I'm not bothering to SEPARATELY number Full Duels, separate from Duel-Lites, separate from Trinities, separate from Standard. And later Q and S. Simpler: The next game I GM, whatever type, gets my next number.

It might be good to include, in your Gamename, along with your #, what MAP it is and who it's between. This makes it easier for Trewqh to capture the result into his tables, including what map it was. (I just trawled through what maps Egbert and Trewqh had played before, to choose a map, and it wasn't stated in every gamename ...).

Just easy housekeeping for those of who need the details to find it easier.
