WoK: Duel, smack talk.

Talk about the two player Standard WoK variant

Moderators: trewqh, korexus, Hannibal

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Post by Hannibal » Fri Feb 24, 2006 2:56 pm

korexus wrote:Bugger, just lost the post. :cry:

OK, that's the gist of what I typed first tiem round. I think.

.... so it happens even to the best of us, does it? ....You write 3/4 of a post, get distracted, come back and find the page has expired, all your great phrases lost forever .....

Hmm, and you asked me why I chopped my posts into several posts .... yep, one reason was to get the first half submitted before any page-expiry, right? I didn't bother to mention that reason, but now that you youirself are alive to it!! ... couldn't resist!

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Post by korexus » Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:38 pm

Actually, I accidentaly selected the text as I was writing, thus destoying for all time my prosaic response. (I could have used ctrl z to get it back, but as you may have spotted, I was a little drunk, I tried using the back button instead... :oops: )

I can take over Han's duel 2 easily enough, it might be worth feeding back on this game before starting another...

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Post by Hannibal » Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:40 am

korexus wrote:
I can take over Han's duel 2 easily enough, it might be worth feeding back on this game before starting another...
Yes, sure, let's discuss what changes we think we might make.

Beware of making the Robos do much more, I think, because of the strain on the GM to enter all the orders for the 4 of them without making a mistake! (I'm assuming it's not worth your time to try and automate it). It's already a bit of a burden to get it right, with just 5 or 6 orders for each Robo!

There are two ways to write: Short-hand, and Long-Han'ed. ~ Han

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Post by trewqh » Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:43 am

korexus wrote:We could up the WOK in the starting province slightly or the tech per worker or reduce the TEC required for 4 attacks, but the extra mobility could make life more interesting.
Even though players would have to plan their own moves more carefully, having more attacks at the start of the game would make Duels even faster, I think.
korexus wrote:Alternatively, [roboplayers] could attack the lowest numbered target at the time (as opposed to at the start of the turn) making it far easier to suprise your opponent by redirecting them.
I see Han's argument about the difficulty (being prone to make mistakes) of playing for Roboplayers, but I like korexus' idea nevertheless. We should remember this one when it's time to let the Auto-GM handle Roboplayers.

My idea to make Duels at least a bit longer and with more tactics is to establish 3 turn NAPs with ALL of the enemies players. That would give time to develop (using various tactica) before the clash begins. That would also mean that relatively the HanA with KorA NAPs would be relatively shorter which I like. What do you think?
the gleefully aggressive Vulking

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