carrabean by gm dragonette

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Post by Hannibal » Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:49 pm

Hmm. That could sap my morale ... Let's think laterally here ... can you tweak it for me so that the orders-submitted message automatically starts with "Great move! Good orders! Bound to work!" That would boost my morale ...

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Post by Hryllantre » Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:22 pm

Is there a problem with Dragonette's Carribean game.... The turn was due @ 21:00hrs and hasn't run... No announcement was made for a player extension... Is there really a problem here?!!

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Post by korexus » Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:56 pm

The game is listed as "paused", which is why it hasn't run. So far as I am aware, there are no problems with the game right now, so as soon as the game is set to "running" it will run.

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Post by Dragonette » Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:24 am

i was asleep at 21:00, so i couldn't press the run turn button like korexus' told me to in the scholar forum.


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Post by Tinker » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:47 am

Hi folks,

There's a lot of upset in this game and I'm somewhat responsible for it, in so far as I am the latest person who's been asking for reruns. What happened is fairly simple:

- I attempted to attack from 46 to 54 and the engine rejected the attack as invalid.

- I brought the issue to GM Dragonette & korexus' attention and korexus discovered a broken link in the .ini file and repaired it, then GM Dragonette reran the turn the first time.

- Here's where things went odd: Despite korexus having fixed the map, the attack didn't come off again. I got the same error.

- I once again complained to GM Dragonette and korexus, and there was unfortunately a bit of a time lag while things were figured out by the two of the Rulers of the Game.

- At the last moment, GM Dragonette reran the turn again, and this time my attack came off as originally ordered.

I don't know why the attack didn't work on the first rerun; I'm not sure that korexus knows what the problem was, either. The map seems to have been bugged quite badly, as I know for a fact that other people earlier in the game had legitimate attacks denied as well.

I'm very sorry that Hryll and the rest of you had to wait so long. Given that the attack was critical to my turn, I do feel justified in having pressed to have the matter dealt with, but I wish that it hadn't inconvenienced everybody as much as it did.
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Post by korexus » Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:46 am

Tinker wrote:I don't know why the attack didn't work on the first rerun; I'm not sure that korexus knows what the problem was, either. The map seems to have been bugged quite badly, as I know for a fact that other people earlier in the game had legitimate attacks denied as well.
This is the key point. I have no idea why this game is so bug riddled. If it were an engine problem then it would be happening in all games. Also, games have been played on this map before with no problem. It's as though the database is somehow corupting the ini, but only for this game. :? :(

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Post by Duke » Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:09 pm

Mind the language people. I am referring to submitted messages on the gamepage.

Oh and can someone explain to me why Hryll is upset? He is in a hole too deep to crawl out of anyhow.

I asked by mail and on the gamepage for an extension in Yons monster island and they ran the turn anyway but pushed the next deadline twice making that turn running like 4-5 days after the original deadline. Do you see me quitting? Nope, in fact you see me winning 8)

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Post by korexus » Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:31 pm

*Checks page.*

Hmm, yes. Writing in the commentary is a privelledge, folks. It can be revoked if it's abused. There is no word censor there and I'd rather not have to write one. If GM Dragonette could tidy up the comments a bit, that would be good.

Duke, I think Hryll is upset because the turn was re-run only two hours before the next turn was due and without any explanation. Obviously the fact that the re-run was much worse for him doesn't help but I'm sure other players were also confused or annoyed too.

Doing what I can to learn from this:

1) Can all players make requests for re-runs on the game thread? - If you email or PM the GM or write in your clan section then other players don't know what's going on.

2) Once again, please check your order confiramtion for possible neighbour errors. All hassle will be removed if we can fix the bug before the turn runs. This can still be done privately if you don't want players know your plans as no re-run means the other players don't even need to know the problem existed. - If we continue to have issues like this, I may suggest the policy that the turn will only be re-run if you shout up before the turn deadline...

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Post by Hryllantre » Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:46 pm

korexus wrote:Hmm, yes. Writing in the commentary is a privelledge, folks. It can be revoked if it's abused.

Duke, I think Hryll is upset because the turn was re-run only two hours before the next turn was due and without any explanation. Obviously the fact that the re-run was much worse for him doesn't help but I'm sure other players were also confused or annoyed too.
Firstly, Sorry about the rant I keep with commentary etiquette in future.

Secondly, I'm annoyed because there was no communication although the problem was known about for a long time. I didn't expect to win this game as I went M-1 on the first turn (my problem)... I fully expected Tinker to capture #53 and #54 as I left them undefended. When this didn't happen I sat down and meticulously planned my next turn considering all possibilities. Yes I went up the proverbial wall when I came back online and discovered a re-run...

Communication, communication, communication or should that be Education, education, education...

Oh Duke you are a tease!!

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Post by Dragonette » Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:35 pm

i have got rid of that sentence completly.


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Post by Dragonette » Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:16 pm

Deucalion decides to quit.


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Post by Brykovian » Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:10 pm

That's a shame. :(

So ... can you run the next turn, GM D, so that I can submit a vote for BigJozzy to get the solo win?

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Post by Dragonette » Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:17 am

Their you go!!


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Post by Brykovian » Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:46 pm

Dragonette wrote:Their you go!!
Thank you muchly. :)

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Post by Tinker » Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:16 pm

I don't understand what's happened with this game. Has the vote for BigJ's win not gone through? Why are turns still being run?
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Post by korexus » Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:33 pm

A vote has to be unaminous. Given that BigJ missed the last few turns, I'd guess that he didn't vote, therefore the vote failed.

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Post by Hannibal » Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:25 am

Hmm. Noticed this and thought it worth chipping in as to what MIGHT have happened? For this turn and voting, BigJ is listed as Quit-last-turn ... so I doubt whether the engine is waiting on his vote? Maybe it even lists him as not-qualifying to be voted to win?? Just a thought.

It LOOKS like all 3 agreed a solo for BigJ last turn, just somebody forgot to vote to make it so, last turn. So they all 3 didn't bother with orders for this latest turn. So all had a M-1, that of Big J taking him to quit ... ineligible to win on this turn's vote???

But the intent looks clear: conceding to BigJ, who only went quit because he thought it was over? Or else continue (just kidding). So GM or site-master to step in and call it? Just a thought.

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Post by Hannibal » Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:06 am

In similar vein, there is maybe a problem when a player submits a joke-vote?

We all love the joke, an exiting player being ironically proposed as a vote for a win. I enjoy it every time ...

But it has a knock-on-effect the joker didn't realise? There seems to be no way to put in a REAL vote instead or alongside? It runs as THE vote to be decided, giving everyone all the time to reply till the next turn runs? So the joke one means no REAL vote that turn, not till after the next turn runs? And only then if a REAL vote gets in first, ahead of a repeated joke one?

So real contenders go M-1 or M-3, because the real vote could never be offered after the joke one was?

A case is GM Chris's "GM Yon", where we have just finished, only two of us surviving. To end it and stop it filling our Lobby-list of games, easy, either Ultyguy or I put in for a vote, the other says yes. EXCEPT, somebody put in the joke proposal of a win for just-ripped Funty. Fun. But prevents any second proposal for a real ending, nothing can be done till after another turn runs? So we have to put in orders or add an M-1 to our tally?

Maybe code that proposals can only come from players still in the game?

Or a way for an alternative vote? (too tough to bother coding).

Or the GM steps in.

Or, simply, we say that this joke is always funny, but often done before, so lay off it because it accidentally stops the game from ending.

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Post by Tinker » Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:33 pm

As an aside, regarding the vote issue, I certainly didn't intend to set one up for myself. I've done it twice, and both times I set it for BigJ... or at least I thought I did. It's possible I missed a zero, though, as BigJ is #10 and I'm #1.
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Post by Dragonette » Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:39 pm

i only had one vote and that was bigjozzys.... brykovian, deucalion and tinker did not vote, so the vote was not in complete agreement.


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