carrabean by gm dragonette

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Post by korexus » Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:18 pm

According to the database, Tinker and Brykovian have voted for the game to end on turns 18, 19, 21 and 22. BigJ did not vote at all, this is why the vote never passed. Nothing to do with him going M-3 as that would only stop him voting now, not on previous turns.

Only one vote can be called on a turn, on the theory that if two people want to vote for different people then there can't be an unaminous decision. People shouldn't submit joke votes as they're not particularly funny. If you want to go out with flare use the commentary option.

Accidentally calling for the wrong winner could be more of an option. Maybe the person who called the vote should be able to change it. Problem with that is people would have to vote again.

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Post by Tinker » Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:45 pm

I think it's fair to say that there was a minor breakdown in communication with regard to the end of the game. Nevertheless, as korexus said Bryk and I have voted to give the win to BigJ four separate times now. I was out of town this weekend and thus couldn't vote, though I would have (again) if I could have. I'm sure that I remember reading earlier in this thread that deucalion had quit (yes I did, Dragonette posted it January 11th.)

Vote button pressed or not, can we take it as a given that we really, really think BigJ should have the win and just give it to him? I realize that the game engine is there to keep things fair, but in this case it seems to be extending a game that nobody wants to play anymore.
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Post by Hryllantre » Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:47 pm

I called for the first vote for a BigJ win not as a joke but as a viable tactic. After succumbing to Brykovian (with 2 remaining prov's) but reducing him in strength (by at least several points), my best position considering the new pointing system was to tie 5th place with Tinker. BigJ had a massive score lead so there was a chance that all others players would go along with this (with proved correct) at least if BigJ hadn't gone M-3...

Alas 6th is better than 7th etc etc...

If we still played with the normal VP's then I wouldn't of called for the vote out of spite, I was utilising an opportunity to gain some extra (new scoring system) points...

edit... A tie in 4th place after reading Tinkers post

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Post by Hannibal » Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:53 am

Exactly. I was merely pointing out that Kor's earlier guess must be wrong.
korexus wrote:A vote has to be unaminous. Given that BigJ missed the last few turns, I'd guess that he didn't vote, therefore the vote failed.

BigJ being quit, the vote the engine was waiting for this turn could not have been BigJ's. It was somebody else's. And not their fault. GM or site-master to step in, obviously, all sorted.

And that's probably also the way for joke-votes. The joker doesn't KNOW it's an old joke, and doesn't know it blocks a real vote - so we discourage them AND the GM can step in to cancel a joke-vote, after a bit, to allow in the real one rather than go through another turn. The GM can void a vote?

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Post by Hannibal » Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:59 am

So, could GM Chris or site-master Kor kindly step in and void the joke-vote in GM Chris "GM Yon" (Austria), so that either Ultyguy or I can put in a Real vote for a shared win? Before a turn runs and makes us M-1? Or just trust this and call it finished without a vote as such?

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Post by korexus » Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:29 am

Hannibal wrote:Exactly. I was merely pointing out that Kor's earlier guess must be wrong.
korexus wrote:A vote has to be unaminous. Given that BigJ missed the last few turns, I'd guess that he didn't vote, therefore the vote failed.

BigJ being quit, the vote the engine was waiting for this turn could not have been BigJ's. It was somebody else's. And not their fault. GM or site-master to step in, obviously, all sorted.
Not wanting to sound argumentative, but I wasn't wrong.

BigJ only went QUIT this turn, meaning that he was listed as M-2 last turn and M-1 the turn before, both times a vote was called, BigJ's vote counted and he didn't vote, so the game didn't finish.

I'm sure, when I get home, I can knock up a "cancel vote" button for the GM, which should solve all these little problems.

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Post by Ultyguy » Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:39 pm

Not to mention Deucalion still shows in the turn order but shows as a Quit, so I'm not sure whether or not his vote would count.

I think as long as once someone gets RIPped they don't get a vote everything should be fine. That would also mean that the turn they get RIPped (or go M-3/Quit) they don't get a vote or the opportunity to call a vote.


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Post by Dragonette » Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:24 am

Ultyguy wrote:Not to mention Deucalion still shows in the turn order but shows as a Quit, so I'm not sure whether or not his vote would count.

I think as long as once someone gets RIPped they don't get a vote everything should be fine. That would also mean that the turn they get RIPped (or go M-3/Quit) they don't get a vote or the opportunity to call a vote.

Thats because he told me he was quiting i changed the status and thats it, i don't know how to sort votes out or the commentry, it is my first time of Gm'ing.

Also i only recieved through email, on one turn that bigjozzy agreed to the vote, theirfore it was someone else not voting.

Finally, until we decide whether we want the new score system carrying on, all game points are for the older system, thats why i said should we have a vote for them a couple of months back.


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Post by Brykovian » Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:58 pm

This is the oddest end-game ever. :? One player (who should have had a share of the win) quits, and the other player (who should then have had a solo win) goes MIA.

I do want to thank Hryll & Yonda for an interesting and enjoyable conflict in the mid-game ... it took both of us to take Hryll out in the end ... and that only was possible because of careful (and liberal) use of missiles.

Thanks for running the game, GM Dragonette. I would recommend that you score this one as if the new scoring system were continuing ... I'll rally up a vote on the scoring system in the appropriate forum.

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Post by korexus » Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:22 pm

Dragonette wrote: Thats because he told me he was quiting i changed the status and thats it, i don't know how to sort votes out or the commentry, it is my first time of Gm'ing.
I think we're starting to see the issue. The way of dealing with this is to let the game manager sort it out.

If a player wants to quit, then he just needs to stop sending in orders. On the turn that he goes M-3 he will be removed from the OOP and have his voting privilleges removed.
Also i only recieved through email, on one turn that bigjozzy agreed to the vote, theirfore it was someone else not voting.
Ditto above. If a player emails you wanting to vote, please direct him to the option to vote at the bottom of his turn report. The game manager doesn't read your emails, so it can't know to count that vote otherwise.
Finally, until we decide whether we want the new score system carrying on, all game points are for the older system, thats why i said should we have a vote for them a couple of months back.

Surely that doesn't mean you can't count this one up though? - I thought both systems were running in parallel?

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Post by korexus » Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:08 pm

korexus wrote: I'm sure, when I get home, I can knock up a "cancel vote" button for the GM, which should solve all these little problems.
GMs now have to option to cancel a vote that is in effect. Allowing players to vote for a different person if they wish. I see no reason to have two votes running concurrently as neither can be unaminous.

While I was at it, I fixed the update OOP option because it was bugging me.

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Post by trewqh » Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:55 pm

korexus wrote:GMs now have to option to cancel a vote that is in effect. Allowing players to vote for a different person if they wish. I see no reason to have two votes running concurrently as neither can be unaminous.

While I was at it, I fixed the update OOP option because it was bugging me.
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Post by Tinker » Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:32 pm

I just spoke to deucalion via email and he tells me that he isn't entering orders for the game anymore, and hasn't been for some time. Is somebody else entering orders in his place?

Regardless, Dragonette, what's the deal with this game? Can we please end the pain? :)
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