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New Toy for GMs

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:43 pm
by korexus
I think it now works, someone will surely tell me if it doesn't...

I've added a new tool for GMs running WoK-On games: The ability to edit player and province data.

The set up is much the same as in the WoK 5 manager, you can load the player data mess around with it in a form, then save it all. The same goes for province data, except due to the large amount of data being processed, you can only edit 10 provinces at a time.

Hopefully, this will allow GMs to run pretty much any X-Game they would have wanted to run in WoK IV with the Automated engine, of course this does require GM intervention in between turns and so will not show up on player's turn reports. Any suggestions for making the process more streamlined will at least be listened to before I discard them! :P

In other news, the GMs now have the option of the game commentary including missile details, as spurred on by Egberts post. Josh, if you want either of your games to include this then let me know. (I'm sure you would have done anyway! :wink: )

Have fun, people!


Re: New Toy for GMs

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 12:29 am
by Underdog
korexus wrote: Josh, if you want either of your games to include this then let me know. (I'm sure you would have done anyway! :wink: )
Have fun, people!
I'm sure he would if he wasn't busy asking me about the rules to WOK4.

I have a tough time believing someone with so little knowledge of the rules of WOK4 is probably going to be the champ this year. I guess maybe Nick is right and a monkey could win if given enough chances at it.

I will never again miss a turn of WOK4 because I am going to have a random number generator input my orders. I should have at least as good a chance to win as Josh.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 12:03 pm
by Duke
*thinks*......*head starts hurting*

I have to ask. How? A robot putting them orders in or?

*pictures Robin Williams entering UD's orders*

Or a program sort of like those who gather e-mails on webpages.

*thinks again*

You're not that guy from Uppsala who broke into NASA and Cisco are you? :idea: Hey Nick, should we get that guy into our clan? I'm sure that FBI only lets him go with a warning and then I could look him up. It is only like a 4 hour drive for me.

*Thinks about UD's robot*

*Thinks about Sal's avatar*

*Thinks about a whole different kind of robot*

Eh, I'll be right back.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 12:44 pm
by Saladin
Duke wrote:*Thinks about Sal's avatar*

*Thinks about a whole different kind of robot*

Eh, I'll be right back.
Hmm...didn't know you also had a Smèagol obsession? :P

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 2:28 pm
by Duke

where's the tittys?

(LOL that actually became funnier then I intended)

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:35 pm
by Saladin
I found better use for the titties. :lol:

Smèagol has been with us for several months now. :P

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 7:22 pm
by Duke
Oh, come to think of it you are right. (naturally). I've been missing my two friends. :wink: