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Brining new recruits in

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 2:08 pm
by Hannibal
Hi there! Just checking in on one of my now occasonal visits. I scanned the forums for the intervening weeks. And saw Yaro's query/complaint/celebration that all the new recruits were coming to him and his clan, thanks (?!) to the pointers on the "New visitors look here!" that I wrote a while back. I can't seem to find the post or thread again, so my clarification has to be a new thread.

Funny, I seem to remember squaring that wording with Yaro before I went to print ?; maybe not. Anyway, it does NOT send every new recruit to join Yarosund's clan Brotherhood of Vayuna. It directs them there as possibly their best first point-of-contact. What that section actually says is (look it up on the "New Visitors":

"The way to join a clan is to click on “Site Content”, at the top, then choose “Clan Homepage”, which lists the current clans and their clanleaders, Clicking on the name of a clan’s leader calls up an email from you to his address; just mail him saying you’d like to join his clan and that you won’t go AWOL after 1 or 2 turns…. If you can’t decide which clan to apply to, just use a pin! (you can always change clans later), or else click on any clan in the “Clan” column of the “Clan Homepage” and see what they have to say about themselves.

Don’t worry, someone will accept you into their clan, so long as you avoid phrases like “I may not have time to get orders in every turn” (it happens to all of us from time to time, no worries, but is a real turn-off to a clanleader who is taking you into their clan!). The clanleader will then tell you how you can now register as a player, with a name of your choice ……. you need to have a clan before you can register. The whole thing takes a day, if the clanleader opens your mail in time.ut themselves, and choose one to apply to, by mailing the clanleader. As I write, if I were you (at risk of annoying others, including my own clan), I’d say maybe choose the Balance Of Time clan, because its leader Yarosund, is committed to bringing in and helping new players, even running training games if you want to practice before you take on the old hands! Sometimes games are run for new-playeres-only. Or he’ll pass you on to other clans, for variety of clanmembersns getting new members ."

i.e., it praises Yarosund for being great at welcoming and training new recruits, but specifically suggests that he might pass you on to other clans, at his discretion. ( I thought Yaro would act as a clearing-house, and pass on applicants to other clanheads if inundated, or to spread the boon). I still think I was right to suggest a PERSON to contact in the first instance ....... psyschology tells you that you recruit more casuals if you give them a "simple-next-step", and preferably one human they can approach to get their show on the road, rather than a "system" or "procedure". So they contacted Yaro. Yaro was at liberty to re-direct them to other clanheads .....

Well done Yaro. I put your name in there precisely BECAUSE you are so good at welcoming/training the new players; it wasn't meant to be an embarrassment or burden - you were free to redirect them to any other clanhead you knew was willing to take them on!


~ Han

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 3:12 pm
by Donut
I don't think Yaro was complaining that people were joining BoT (Not BoV :P ). He was just commenting that it seemed most of the new players to the game were joining him because they were essentially suggested to join BoT. I'm sure it wasn't your intent, but as a new player in a game, I'm going to take advice from anyone, and if someone hints that someone is willing to help, I don't think many people would pass them by. Yaro does a great job helping a large portion of our n00bs, but I also mug about every other person who comes onto the messageboards.

Moral of the story: Nobody blamed you, Yaro just suggested that maybe another clan name should be inserted where his is so that n00bs are directed to another clan.


Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 6:12 pm
by Duke
I cant find Yaros name anywhere in that "New visitors look here" thing.

If he feels it is alot to handle then I would be more then happy to answer a question or two. I've been around for a while now so I guess I know most of the answers.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 8:41 pm
by Donut
I don't recall if Yaro's name is specifically mentioned, but seeing as he's the only non-n00b that I can think of in BoT, I'm pretty sure he fits that role. I'm pretty sure it did mention BoT though :P

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 12:54 am
by Underdog
Duke wrote: I've been around for a while now so I guess I know most of the answers.
The problem being most nOObs would like to get CORRECT answers to questions.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 4:55 am
by Duke
lol...oh, well then Yaro might be better. :roll:

Re: Brining new recruits in

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 10:22 am
by Hannibal
Hannibal wrote:
As I write, if I were you (at risk of annoying others, including my own clan), I’d say maybe choose the Balance Of Time clan, because its leader Yarosund, is committed to bringing in and helping new players, even running training games if you want to practice before you take on the old hands! Sometimes games are run for new-playeres-only. Or he’ll pass you on to other clans, for variety of clanmembersns getting new members ."
No, it DOES definitely mention Yaro as first port-of-call. See above extract from the first post, quoting the New Player thing, Yaro is mentioned by name. (Wow you guys have a short attention-span! - my fault, not yours, I know!)

The first draft suggested TWO clanheads to approach, Yaro and Duke ... but, exactly then, Duke resigned from being a clanhead, so I had to change the text, suggesting just the one clanhead, Yaro, but saying he might then spread the new players around. (see text above). I thought I cleared that with Yaro. I didn't say "or contact Duke", because the structure was about which CLANHEAD to approach ....

Anyway, the reason I raised this is ..... Al on the boards asked me to update the thing, so that the newbies are directed through the new lobby, not to the old list-all-games route. So I'll update it. Wanted to check whether Yaro is happy to stay named as a FIRST point of contact, then pass on some of them to others to share the load. (Imagine the confusion if I have to write "contact one of the clanheads .... maybe Yaro .... or else Duke, who is not a clanhead, not accepting applications, but he'll give you some help on the way ......"


Re: Brining new recruits in

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 10:29 am
by Duke
Hannibal wrote:
... or else Duke, who is not a clanhead, not accepting applications


...and isnt of any apparent use and will only mess your mind up even worse....


Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 12:42 pm
by Saladin
Instead of directing people to Yarosund 'the clanhead of BoT', why not direct people to Yarosund 'the newb mentor'? That way no clan gets advantaged or disadvantaged.

There has always been talk of having a 'welcoming comittee' a couple of people that can welcome and show new members around and answer all their questions. I think it would be best if we got 2 or 3 people willing to help some new players to get started and find their place in Kaomaris. So it might be best to list two or three names so that should one of them be absent the new players aren't left hanging.

If needed i'd be willing to help introduce new players to Kaomaris.