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Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:48 pm
by korexus
The game can only end if all players agree to a vote on the same turn (via the vote option at the bottom of the TR). I imagine that this didn't happen as players are used to just emailing GMs to agree. I can add an end button for GMs to use when I get a chance, but this feature will still be the only possible option in a true automatic GM game, so I'd like it if players got used to it! :P


Taker, if you pause it then players will no longer get emails about the game...

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 1:56 am
by Brykovian
Chris ...

Here's what I see:
A vote has been called for Donut to solo the game.
You currently count as voting against this result.
And it's been like that for most of the game.

So my (previously unasked) questions would be:
  1. Why doesn't that particular vote disappear after 1 round of no one voting for it?
  2. How could I create a counter vote?
  3. Is it possible for there to be more than 1 vote per turn?
That's it for now ... to sum up: Bryk = confused ... and more than normal. ;)


Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 5:19 am
by Duke
I've seen that Donut vote too since like turn 6 or 7.

Isnt this problem kind of funny? The manager as taken control over us. Sort of like Terminator 2 :) *realizes what the machines did in T2* :shock: Get that thing fixed K.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:41 pm
by korexus
Hmm, that is odd. I looked into this with Suburbia, then checked what the players saw, I thought it was fixed...

The set up should be 1 vote per turn, which disappears at the end of the turn. Thus there should be no need to set up a counter vote or for more than one vote per turn. (Clearly, if you wanted to call for a counter vote then you don't agree with the current vote and in most circumstances at least one other person wouldn't agree with your idea so neither could pass.)

I will try to get a look in as soon as possible... :?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:33 pm
by Xechortariaste
Heh... in reality, Donut's just called for a vote for himself every single turn. :wink:

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:50 pm
by korexus
Ok, I've had a quick look over the voting system. Hopefully any kinks have been sorted out. As this game is officially over now, it doesn't really matter what happens, but if Taker could run one more turn, then pause the game we'll see if it works yet. (I'd do it myself, but can't take over the daabase from here :( )

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:55 pm
by Xechortariaste
Hmm... not sure if this counts as a 'kink' or not :wink: but in Squares it still says:
A vote has been called for to solo the game.
You currently count as voting against this result.