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Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 6:38 pm
by Donut
One more from me. Suburbanites ends with Brykovian and Egbert showing age doesn't always equal insanity.

1 vp each.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:54 am
by Undertaker
1 month later, one more VP for Brykovian. and 1 for Saladin too.

Missilemania is over.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:56 pm
by Warped Angel
that was a MEGA GAY win :evil:

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:18 pm
by Saladin
Why so my friend? You, Duke and Aussie should have wiped us from the board, but you didn't seem to work together. Better luck next time!

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:38 am
by Duke
I dont want to hear one single work of complaint from the guy sitting on his a** on a stupid island while me and AG are running around fighting anything that moves.

Sal, me and AG did what we could. You beat us however and it is as simple as that. If we could have worked the 3 vs 2 benefit then this would have turned out differently. I promise you that.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:12 am
by Saladin
I think you're probably right about that. 3 on 2 we probably couldn't have handled. Especially since WA didn't have to fight anybody to get those two islands he has been sitting on till the very end.

Maybe they were vacation islands and he didn't want to leave them? :P

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:43 pm
by Brykovian
Warped Angel wrote:that was a MEGA GAY win :evil:
Wow ... Sal & I had strategized about pulling off a "slightly gay" win ... didn't know we'd be able to actually execute at the "MEGA GAY" level.

Now I'm thinking the next iteration of UT will need new hit-count sounders:
"You're on a roll!"
"You're unstoppable!!"



Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 6:07 pm
by Egbert
Does anyone know if the VPs and ratings are up to date? I've been poking around the various links, and they don't appear to be.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:30 pm
by Donut
Eggy... They are not. I'm still not sure if I am supposed to be recording WOK:ON VPs or if they are automated. I know for a fact that the WOK:ON ratings will not be available because when I started my games I was under the impression that these were calculated automatically; but that portion was not ready yet.

Also... GM's PLEASE e-mail me at the conclusion of games. I haven't had the time lately to check the boards very often, and when I do... it's kinda speratic as to what I read.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:26 pm
by korexus
When you asked me if you should record them and I said yes, I thought that would have been enough. :roll:

Eventually the WoK-On engine will be able to record VPs and (hopefully) ratings but as right now, it can't even finish a game it would make sense for someone else to do it. Josh: You're not out of a job yet!


Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:38 pm
by Aussie Gaz
Donut - Takers Missilemania order of merit (to the best of my knowledge)

Xechortariaste (rip)
Melonus Maximus (rip)
Calidus (quit)
Amgor (rip)
Donut (rip)
Duke (quit) 2 kills
Warped Angel (rip)
Aussie Gaz 2 kills
Saladin 1 vps
Brykovian 1 vps 1 kill


Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:59 pm
by Aussie Gaz
Wippos Squares Wokon game

10. Protput quit then ripped
09. Allister Fiend ripped
08. Tbert ripped
07. Aussie Gaz ripped

Game still in progress ..... :cry:

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:19 pm
by Xarfei
My Group#02 "Neptunes Island" has ended and the winners (1.5 VPs each) are:

Allister Fiend and Undertaker (The First Family).


GM Wippo

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:31 pm
by Xarfei
I am not sure if anyone is stillkeeping track but here are the rating changes:

1. Allister: +0.105 (shared 1st) +0.030 (1 Rip bonus) = +0.135
1. Undertaker: same as Allister
3. Yarosund +0.030 (combined 3rd place) = +0.030
3. Grave Maker +0.030 + 0.060 (2 Rip bonuses) = +0.090
3. Korexus: same as Yarosund
6. Shakira: +0.000 (6th place) -0.030 (getting Riped)= -0-030
7. Donut: -0.030 (7th place) -0.030 (Quitting)= -0.060
8. TBert: -0.060 (8th place) -0.030 (getting Riped)= -0.090
9. Duke: -0.090 (9th place) -0.030 (getting Riped)= -0.120
10.Lord Fredo: -0.120 (10th place) -0.030 (getting Riped)= -0.150

In case anybody wonders, Donut asked to be counted as "QUIT" the turn he went M-1. He was M-2 at the end of the game but had missed many turns so granted him his wish.

GM Wippo

PS:Feel free to spot any mistakes that I've made, the rating rules aren't exactly a piece of cake.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:46 am
by Undertaker
Wow, nearly 3 months since the last VP's.

My group 15 has ended. Congrats to Lord Fredo and Xarfei.

Though the turns were a week apart, it only took 12 rounds to reach endgame.