Species Endgame?

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Species Endgame?

Post by Dameon » Sat Apr 03, 2004 4:48 pm

OK, so what is the goal of species? Obviously, to have the high score at the end of the game, but what is considered the end? Kor has told me that you cannot enter the game after turn 1000 (or perhaps you simply cannot RE-enter the game after turn 1000 if you have already been RIPped), but that doesn't say anything for the full game. It would be very difficult to have the game run until only one species is left, given the size of the map, not to mention that would make herbivores completely useless

I imagine most species games will run for a set turn limit, but what's the type of number we are looking at? I do think we need to set a turn limit for Everglades, if only to see how the endgame works and how strategies may change; we can adjust things as we determine if certain things are too powerful in the endgame and others, not powerful enough. A good suggested end turn would be 1500 or 2000, and then a brief break to fix things that need to be fixed before the next beta. Thoughts???
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Post by korexus » Sat Apr 03, 2004 6:40 pm

The original number of turns we were working with was 4000. I believe that's what Al said this game would (hopefully) run to.

Of course if the situation ever arises that only one species is left alive then it should be considered the winner even if the turn limit has not been reached. - And don't be so certain that a herbivore couldn't attain that victory condition either.

As is, the "last man standing" is a far more satisfying but far less likely way to end a game. I have some personal thoughts on how to remedy this, although I haven't shared them with the Dev Team yet. Anyone who has seen the film "Battle Royale" may have an idea as to what I'm thinking. :twisted:

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Post by Dameon » Sun Apr 04, 2004 4:09 am

Another question, at what point does the game stop accepting new players? I know you mentioned that you can't resurrect your species after turn 1000, does that mean new players also cannot enter the game after that point as well?
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Post by Dameon » Tue Apr 06, 2004 9:14 pm

After a couple more days of playing, I feel stronger than ever that a 4000 turn game is just too long. I think 2000 turns would be more reasonable, as frankly the game is getting fairly repetitive and at least moderately boring at this point already. I wouldn't sign up for this game of this nature if it lasted more than a couple of weeks, and I doubt on the current mobile market where the attention span of players isn't nearly as high as the typcial PBeMer we'd find many that wanted to go that long too. There could always be the potential for the games to run longer than 2000 turns when hosted on the KaoBase by a specific GM, but I think the default should be about 2000 for mobile games at the very least.
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Post by gm_al » Tue Apr 06, 2004 9:18 pm

I think in the same direction. WOK SP requiers "daily care" and is therefore way more consuming then WOK4/5 (except for Eg probably :P ) We just need to make sure the players really go through all phases of the game and that going carnivore allows you to have enough time to hunt yourself to the top.

Also the next beta should prove to be a few more ticks more exciting....

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Post by Lowebb » Wed Apr 07, 2004 7:37 am

Yeah I was thinking that, if you are going to make the game 200 turns, you have be able to mutate easier and get skills quicker.

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